Attendance Policy

Your child's attendance is crucial for their improvement and success in our treatment program. At CTI, we aim for perfect attendance and punctuality. We understand that achieving perfect attendance can be challenging due to unexpected events.

Guidelines for Missing an Appointment (per 90-day period):

A "No Show" is recorded if an appointment is canceled within 90 minutes of the scheduled time. Two "No Shows" will result in the patient's discharge. A "Cancellation" is when an appointment is canceled at least 90 minutes ahead of time. You are allowed 2 cancellations per 90-day period for once-weekly therapies and 3 cancellations for twice-weekly therapies. Additional cancellations may lead to discharge. Excessive tardiness, defined as arriving up to 6 minutes late 4 or more times within 90 days, can also result in discharge.

Children discharged due to lack of attendance or excessive tardiness will have a 90-day break from CTI services. After 90 days, you may return to CTI, but the therapist, day, and appointment times are not guaranteed.

If you must miss an appointment, please notify us at least 90 minutes prior. We acknowledge that unforeseen circumstances can arise, but consistent attendance is vital for your child's progress and the therapist's ability to meet their needs.

Download our Attendance Contract

Weather + Holiday Closures

CTI follows the Peninsula Public School and Olympia Public School schedule when they close for poor weather. If Peninsula or Olympia Schools determine a late start or closure, CTI will follow suit and do the same. Thank you!